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Topanga Community Center Is a Finalist for CA District 27 Nonprofit of the Year Award 

TCC was nominated by the community and selected as a finalist in the Community Health and Safety category. 

TCC volunteers have worked tirelessly to keep spirits up during the coronavirus crisis and ensure that the most vulnerable members of the community had essentials.

TCC worked with Los Angeles County to provide meals for seniors, and others in need. The organization’s board and volunteers came up with creative and inventive ways to bring the community together safely during the pandemic. For Cinco de Mayo there was a traveling Mariachi Band; at Easter, the Easter Bunny roamed the neighborhoods in a pickup truck. Drive-in movies provided entertainment for families; but most importantly, TCC became a lifeline for the homebound, delivering meals, essentials like groceries, and prescriptions, and bringing good cheer and hope during one of the most challenging times in Topanga’s history.

To learn more, renew membership or make a donation, visit

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