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One-Room Schoolhouse 
Back to school. A hundred years ago in Topanga, it would have been on foot—and often barefoot—to the little, red, one-room schoolhouse by the creek...
Desert Voices 
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Desert Daytrip 
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Where the Nightjars Sing 
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Seniors Are Now Eligible for COVID-19 Vaccination 

Los Angeles County residents 65 and older are now authorized to receive the COVID-19 vaccination, although supplies of the vaccine remain limited. Hilda Solis, chair of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, signed an executive order on January 18 that allows seniors to make an appointment to receive the vaccine at: People who do not have access to the internet can make an appointment by phone, 8:00 AM – 8:30 PM, 7 days a week at 833-540-0473.  

Space is limited but will grow as the county obtains more vaccine doses. Given that appointments are limited, community members are encouraged to be patient. In time, everyone who wants to will get vaccinated. LADPH is working urgently with federal and state partners to expand capacity and supply in the weeks ahead. LA County is now actively vaccinating the following groups:

— Healthcare workers (HCWs) at high and moderate risk of exposure to the COVID-19 virus through their work in any role in health care or long-term care settings. High and moderate risk means the HCW has direct or indirect contact with patients or infectious materials (Phase 1A).

— Long-term care facility residents (Phase 1A)

— Persons age 65 and over (Phase 1B Tier 1)Low risk healthcare workers such as administrative support staff without routine in-person contact with patients will be offered vaccination in Phase 1B Tier 2. Veterinary Medical Personnel will be offered vaccination in Phase 1B. See the phase descriptions and timeline:

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