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Topanga Historical Society Honors Rose Wiley’s 90th Birthday 

On Sunday, October 24, at 12:00 p.m., a picnic celebration will be held for Rose Wiley’s 90th birthday!

Rosagua “Rose” Wiley is the granddaughter of Francisco and Manuela Trujillo, who settled Old Topanga in 1886. Rose’s mother Cornelia Gomez answered a call to help at the Trujillo Ranch in 1913, and wound up marrying the eldest son Dolores Trujillo. 

Rose married Robert Wiley, and raised six children—Marguerite, Robert, David, John, Laura, and Jimmy—on the Trujillo homestead, where she still lives today.

Admission for the picnic is $20 for a catered outdoor luncheon. RSVP to pay by October 11. No walk-ins will be permitted. Please specify if you would like a meat luncheon or a vegetarian luncheon. If you have a Family Membership, please specify how many people are coming.

The event will be held at a private home. You will receive a reply with the address after RSVPing. This is a Topanga Historical Society members only event. Non-members must join or renew their Membership on the website:

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